Friday 29 April 2016

Representation of Regional Identity


  • Clothing- from this we can see that their identity are working class because they are in overalls and that Doc is higher up class than them because of how he dresses to go to work which is a suit. This infers that Doc is the superior character.
  • Lighting- the dark room portrays that their jobs are dull and boring. However there is light that shines on Doc this shows then that his job is more interesting than the others.
  • Angle of the shot
    • Low angle- showing them looking up to Doc shows thats he is also superior to the smaller communities 
  • Long shot to show the sink when it bursts to reenforce that they are manual labourer
  • When the younger one starts to talk he goes against the stereotype because of there language he uses shows he's clever and is capable of doing well however because he lives in a small community he is forced to join his dads businesses.
  •  When the water is coming out of the sink Doc try to explain the part that is needed this shows the audience that back in London he probably got someone else to do it for him and he's probably never done anything like that before because he's always had the option to have someones else to do it. 

Doc is from London we know this because of the ancient he has and the way he acts, because he is wearing a suit he thinks that he is above everyone else and when the sink goes and the phone is going off and the dog comes in he gets stressed out this is shown through a range of shots and movements and everyone else who is from the area doest get stressed out as if they were used to it being manic however doc didn't seem to be able to handle it so he starts bossing them about because he doesn't know what  else to do. When he meets the other outsider she thinks they can be friends because they are both outsiders however he isn't really bothered, she also speaks highly of the old doctor and what she says shows that the community is very chilled and relaxed as if they are one big family however Doc speaks down about him as if the conditions they were is were nasty and when he was from they were excellent. The lady is also very welcoming see has noticed he is new and is an outsider there welcomed him by inviting him round this shows that small communities are welcoming. From a mid shot of the old lady talking to Doc shows that she isn't well mannered but this could be due to the fact she has more than likely grown up there and she's old so she isn't well mannered due to her upbringing. 

The clothing that they are wearing we can tell that their identity are working class because they are in overalls and that Doc is higher up class than them because of how he dresses to go to work which is a suit. This infers that Doc is the superior character because of the costume he is wearing. A mid shot shows the lady also  dresses well seen as she is also an outsider too, this shows that she may class her self higher up than the other in the community however others may not think this.

The lighting in the room at the start of the clip shows that their jobs must be boring and not lively, this is portrayed by the dark and dull room they are working in. Also the only light that is coming through the window is on Doc this infers that his job is more enjoyable and uplifting compared to their job. 

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